Wilmington, North Carolina

Wilmington, NC
For 2024, we’re inviting supporters to participate in the virtual event, or join us in our headquarters city of beautiful Wilmington, North Carolina for a 9.11 mile run event.
By temporarily embracing this amazing opportunity to showcase the waterfront home of The 9.11 Promise and run a relay beneath the gaze of the indomitable battleship USS North Carolina, we’re ensuring that an event is accessible and a truly unique experience.
Join us for the weekend on September 7, 2024 in Wilmington for a inspiring 9.11 Promise event and continue the mission of support for our incredible scholars.
September 7, 2024
The Wilmington event on September 7, 2024, kicks off at 8:00 a.m., and the event starts and ends at SeaCoast CrossFit.
The Route
Rules of the Road
Be Safe
We are traveling through cities, small towns, and rural areas. While the route was designed to encompass as many sidewalks as possible know there will be extensive areas where sidewalks will not be present. Your safety is imperative to having a successful event. When on the shoulder, stay on the side of the road facing traffic; remain alert and follow all safety rules.
Be Aware Of Your Surroundings
There may be a police presence in some areas but with teams spread out we can’t make any guarantees. Check before crossing streets. Stay in crosswalks and when available use crosswalk lights. Make eye contact with drivers and use hand gestures to ensure they see you and know you are crossing.
The 9.11 Promise Run is run to benefit the victims, their families, and the emergency personnel of 9/11. Please know you are representing all of the runners participating and the charities involved. Respect the surrounding environment, display courtesy and good taste. Please carry all trash and recyclables with you and dispose of them appropriately.
Please do not follow runners. This can cause traffic problems and possibly endanger a runner. If you would like to cheer on your runner, pull ahead and wait safely off the roadway.
Switching Runners
When switching runners do so safely off the road, preferably in a parking lot.
Runner Requirements
While running you must wear a reflective vest. Run against traffic when a sidewalk is available.
While the run is to remember 9/11 new memories will be made and friendships forged. Have fun, take in the moment, and talk to others about the journey you encounter. You are part of an amazing adventure for a great cause, much bigger than us. Embrace what you’re doing and know your time and commitment are valued more than words can describe.

The Virtual 9.11 Promise Run/Bike
Join the run or bike from the streets of your hometown or workout gear in your gym as a virtual athlete.
Virtual Athletes promise that you will run, walk, and/or bike 9.11 miles sometime between September 9th and September 11th! These miles can be done all at once or spread out over the course of the three days.
As a Virtual Athlete supporting the student of our Promise, each participant commits to raising $150 by October 1, 2024. If the amount isn't reached, participants agree to cover the remaining amount.